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Securing Digital Communications: GlobalSign and NoSpamProxy

Securing Digital Communications: GlobalSign and NoSpamProxy

At GlobalSign, we put the security of organizations and their digital identities at the center of all that we do. This is in part, demonstrated through our work with our partners. In this interview series, we talk to our partners and uncover what businesses can gain through a partnership. Join us as we uncover how the partnership between GlobalSign and NoSpamProxy transforms security through PKI Automation and Secure Email Communication.

Avoiding Malware and Spam with Email Security

Hello and welcome NoSpamProxy, could you tell us a little about the company and what you do?

NoSpamProxy is a renowned IT service provider in Germany specializing in Microsoft technology, with eight gold competencies. We offer digital communication and collaboration solutions to businesses and are recognized across Europe for being an innovative secure email gateway with top-notch features for anti-spam, anti-malware, and email encryption. With over 6,000 global customers. Founded in 1995, the company now has over 150 employees across Paderborn and Berlin, led by managing director Uwe Ulbrich and Microsoft MVP Frank Carius.

For more information, visit the NoSpamProxy website

GlobalSign and NoSpamProxy: A Partnership of Trust

How would you describe your partnership with GlobalSign?

Our partnership with GlobalSign is a testament to what can be achieved when two industry leaders come together. It’s characterized by a shared commitment to excellence, a deep personal connection, and communication that is nothing short of outstanding. Over the years, we’ve built a foundation of trust and mutual understanding that has allowed us to collaborate seamlessly and achieve successful outcomes. This partnership is a beacon of professionalism and a model for how long-term collaborations should be nurtured and developed.

What advantages does GlobalSign offer over other certificate authorities, leading you to repeatedly select it for your security needs?

Choosing GlobalSign repeatedly is a no-brainer for us. The exceptional collaboration we’ve experienced is unparalleled, and the consistency it offers in terms of service quality and innovation is remarkable. Having a dedicated point of contact for several years fosters a unique continuity that is rare in today’s fast-paced business environment. This continuity has been instrumental in aligning our collaborative efforts and driving our partnership in a unified direction, always with the end goal of delivering the best to our customers.

“As a vendor of an e-mail security gateway, we depend on reliable suppliers. The partnership with GlobalSign is an outstanding example of a longstanding and, above all, trustworthy collaboration.” - Stefan Cink Director Business and Professional Services Net at Work GmbH

Establishing Email Security Through S/MIME

How does NoSpamProxy integrate with GlobalSign’s Certificates?

We need to deliver trustworthy certificates to our customers and partners. GlobalSign serves as a reliable partner in this regard, offering a highly practical integration solution. It allows us to provide our customers and partners with trustworthy certificates, which is crucial in today’s digital landscape. GlobalSign’s integration solution is not just reliable; it’s highly practical, making the deployment and management of S/MIME certificates a seamless process. This ensures that our communications are secure, authenticated, and non-repudiable, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of digital correspondence.

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Mutual Growth: The Future of NoSpamProxy and GlobalSign

Having been partnered with GlobalSign for 10 years already, how will this partnership grow?

As we celebrate a decade of partnership with GlobalSign, we’re excited about the future. The growth trajectory of our partnership is closely tied to the increasing importance of encrypted email communication and the rising demands for comprehensive Certificate Lifecycle Management. As these areas continue to gain significance, our partnership is poised to expand and evolve, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge security solutions.

Discover NoSpamProxy

Is there anything further you would like to tell us about NoSpamProxy, perhaps a fun fact about the company?

Here’s a little-known tidbit: NoSpamProxy’s journey began as a thesis project in 2004. Fast forward to today, and that academic endeavor has transformed into a robust solution that safeguards the digital communications of over 6,000 customers worldwide. It’s a remarkable story of innovation and growth that underscores our commitment to security and our customers’ trust in us.

Secure Your Email Accounts Today

To learn more about the NoSpamProxy integration with S/MIME, please contact your local sales team for information.

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