Michelle Davidson
Recent Posts
Everything You Need to Know about Electronic and Digital Signatures
February 07, 2025Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures are terms often used interchangeably but join us as we…
Everything You Need to Know about Electronic and Digital Signatures
February 07, 2025Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures are terms often used interchangeably but join us as we…
Automation and Encryption: A Perfect Match
February 14, 2024In this blog, we review why automation and encryption are important in improving time efficiency and…
10 Opportunities to Consider Security within the DevOps Workflow
December 06, 2023In this blog, we explore 10 steps to enabling better security and efficiency that DevOps…
7 PKI and Cybersecurity Trends for 2024
November 28, 2023In this blog, we look at how the catalyst inducing events from the past year are shaping what could…
Automated Certificate Management Relieves Stress on IT Teams and Increases Security
October 10, 2023For IT teams, integrating solutions that simplify and streamline efficiency can be a health and…
How End-to-End Encryption Works: Securing Digital Modes of Communication
August 25, 2023Uncover the secrets of end-to-end encryption, including how to keep your digital conversations…
Google’s Latest Announcements Set Up for an Industry Shift
May 22, 2023Over the last few months Google have made announcements which could see an industry shift in the…
IoT Solutions are Radically Changing the Face of Supply Chain Management
April 25, 2023Read how IoT is revolutionizing every facet of supply chain management and how logistics companies…
Top 3 Common IoT Security Challenges
March 22, 2023In this blog, we take a look at 3 common challenges that face IoT security.
A Guide to the White House’s National Cybersecurity Strategy
March 09, 2023We explore the five pillars which make up the National Cybersecurity Strategy from the White House,…
How to Prevent a Data Breach With Cloud-Based Managed PKI
January 18, 2023In this article, we'll take a look at how utilizing cloud-based managed PKI can help prevent costly…
4 ISO Standards to Look Out For When Choosing a CA
January 10, 2023In this article, we’ll look at four ISO Standards and how they can guarantee a CA has implemented…
A Guide to Cybersecurity Compliance Across Industries
December 13, 2022As the cybersecurity landscape evolves, so do the compliance requirements for businesses across…
7 Cybersecurity Predictions and Trends for 2023
December 01, 2022Over the last few years, with the advances in technology, conversations around cybersecurity have…
IoT Connected Devices to Become More Resilient Against Cybercrime
November 30, 2022Through new standards and proposed legislation we will see connected devices become more secure and…
Why Enterprises Should Use Certificate-based Authentication as Access Control
November 15, 2022Let’s look at certificate-based authentication and how it can it take multi-factor authentication…
What is Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) and How Can it Protect Your Company Assets?
November 08, 2022What is Multi-factor Authentication and how can it help control which endpoints can access your…
9 Ways to Protect Your Organization Against Ransomware Attacks
October 20, 2022Ransomware is currently the top type cybersecurity attack on organizations, but what is it and how…
11 Tips on Spotting Malicious Emails
October 18, 2022Phishing continues to be a threat to enterprises and just the starting point for cyberattack, here…
What Are The Common Types of Email Phishing Attacks?
October 13, 2022What are the four most common types of email phishing attacks that could occur to your business and…
GlobalSign win a Frost & Sullivan Best Practice Award
September 20, 2022We are proud to announce GlobalSign have won the Frost & Sullivan Best Practice 2022 Global…
Michelle Davidson
September 16, 2022Michelle Davidson is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at GlobalSign, who oversees the content…