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What Is the CA/Browser Forum and What Is Its Role in Internet Security?

What Is the CA/Browser Forum and What Is Its Role in Internet Security?

In internet security, The Certificate Authority/Browser Forum, or CA/B Forum, acts as an organization that manages a great deal of the regulation, issuance and management of digital certificates.

In essence, the CA/Browser Forum is a voluntary consortium of Certificate Issuers and Certificate Consumers which are governed by a series of bylaws which lay out its purpose, membership, and policy. Broadly, this purpose is to develop and implement guidelines that improve the security of internet transactions and make secure sites more obvious to web users. By setting stringent standards for certificate issuance and management, the CA/B Forum helps publicly trusted CAs like GlobalSign’s ensure the chain of trust by creating a more secure internet.

While it’s helpful to know who they are, it’s essential to understand the structure, initiatives and impact the Forum has on internet security to confidently understand the digital certificate and PKI market, and can help provide insight into how online spaces remain safe and secure.

Understanding the CA/Browser Forum

The CA/B Forum was established in 2005 with the goal of advancing the best practices of the industry in order to improve the way digital certificates are used to the benefit of Internet users and the security of their communications. The Forum was originally founded by a group of leading CAs and browser vendors, like Microsoft, Apple, Google and Mozilla. Over the years, the forum has expanded to include a diverse range of participants from around the world. Today, GlobalSign sits as a member alongside numerous other CAs, browser developers, and other stakeholders in the internet security ecosystem. 

The purpose of the Forum is to enhance the security and trustworthiness of digital certificates used on the internet. It does this through several key objectives:

  • Developing Standards: The forum creates and maintains a set of baseline requirements and guidelines for the issuance and management of digital certificates, similar to ISO standards. These standards help ensure that certificates are issued and managed in a secure and consistent manner
  • Promoting Best Practices: By sharing knowledge and expertise, the forum promotes best practices for certificate issuance and management among its members and the wider internet community. This collaborative approach helps improve the overall security of the internet
  • Enhancing Trust: The forum works to build and maintain trust in the digital certificates issued by its members. This involves setting high standards for certificate issuance, monitoring compliance, and addressing any issues that arise
  • Facilitating Communication: The forum provides a platform for CAs, browser vendors, and other stakeholders to communicate and collaborate on issues related to internet security. This open dialogue helps ensure that the forum’s guidelines and standards remain relevant and effective

How Does the CA/B Forum Set New Requirements?

Anyone in the CA/Browser Forum can put forth ideas for discussion to the membership base. Once a consensus is reached that the proposed change will benefit security or operations in some way, the individual can put forth a ballot with the detailed change defined. This entails adding a clear description of the problem, how the proposed change will solve it and an annotation or red line over the old requirement.  

There is at least one week of discussion and then the ballot moves immediately into the one-week voting period, assuming there are no substantial changes during the discussion period. More complex topics are often discussed at the face-to-face meetings held three times a year, where key participants will engage in active discussion on the pros and cons and what people would like to see as a suggested or recommended change. 

To keep up to date with any changes, you can always check the website for activity in the forum, including new ballots, or sign up to the email lists to keep track of any new discussion.

The Impact of the CA/B Forum on Internet Security

The CA/Browser Forum plays a pivotal role in enhancing trust in digital certificates. By establishing and enforcing stringent guidelines for certificate issuance and management, the forum ensures that only and verified entities can obtain digital certificates. This reduces the risk of fraudulent certificates being used to deceive users and helps maintain a high level of trust in the internet’s ecosystem.

The result of this is the mitigation of cyber threats that can compromise the security of online interactions. By setting rigorous standards for certificate authorities, the forum helps prevent common cyber threats such as:

  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: The forum’s guidelines ensure that communications between users and websites are encrypted and secure, making it difficult for attackers to intercept and manipulate data being transmitted over the internet.
  • Data Breaches: By promoting best practices for certificate management and security, the forum helps prevent sensitive data being breached by unauthorized parties.

Publicly trusted CAs work collaboratively to adapt to the ever changing ecosystem of the internet and keep security measures up to date. Through that innovation CAs like GlobalSign continue to build trust online and keep the internet safer.

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The CA/Browser Forum plays a critical role in maintaining and enhancing the security of our online world. As an active member of this influential body, GlobalSign is dedicated to upholding these standards and contributing to a safer internet for everyone.

The CA/B Forum is a testament to the importance of trust and security in the digital age. As a member, you can trust GlobalSign’s commitment to excellence in certificate issuance and management, and that, combined with our proactive approach to emerging security challenges, makes us a reliable partner for all your internet security needs. 

Learn how to switch providers to GlobalSign today for publicly trusted TLS solutions

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