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Enhancing Email Security with Verified Mark Certificates (VMC): The Ultimate Solution

Enhancing Email Security with Verified Mark Certificates (VMC): The Ultimate Solution

In a bustling landscape of digital communication, your existing and potential customers are receiving emails from a variety of senders at an alarming rate. With the additional constant threat of phishing attacks and spam, the chances are that some of your emails are being deleted, ignored, or blocked by servers. If you are not sure where an email originated from, you delete it – and this is what customers may be doing to your legitimate emails.

You need to stand out from the crowd and ensure customers that your emails are legitimate and trustworthy. But how?

We are here to introduce you to a game-changing solution that can revolutionize the way you approach email security: Verified Mark Certificates (VMC).

What are Verified Mark Certificates (VMCs)?

Verified Mark Certificates, or VMCs, are digital certificates that provide authentication and verification for email senders. They serve as a seal of trust, confirming that the emails you receive are indeed from legitimate sources and have not been tampered with during transit.

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The Benefits of VMCs:

  • Enhanced Trust: VMCs instill confidence in recipients by verifying the authenticity of email senders, reducing the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks
  • Improved Deliverability: Emails bearing VMCs are more likely to reach recipients' inboxes instead of being filtered out as spam, ensuring better deliverability rates
  • Brand Protection: VMCs safeguard your brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to security and authenticity in email communications
  • Compliance Assurance: VMCs help organizations meet security standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance with industry regulations such as Domain-Based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)
  • Positive User Experience: By fostering trust and security in email interactions, VMCs contribute to a positive user experience, enhancing overall satisfaction and engagement

How VMCs Work

VMCs work by providing sender authentication and verification through a different email authentication protocol. Once an organization’s identity is verified, a VMC is issued for their domain and trademark logo, serving as proof of authenticity. Emails sent by verified senders are signed using cryptographic methods. Recipients' email clients then verify the sender's identity against the VMC, displaying their logo as a visual indicator to signify that the email is from a trusted source.

Introducing Our Verified Mark Certificate Solution

GlobalSign now offers a Verified Mark Certificate solution aimed at meeting your email security needs. Our VMC solution ensures seamless authentication, enhanced trustworthiness, and improved deliverability for your email communications. Backed by industry-leading security protocols and robust authentication mechanisms which help prevent email fraud and phishing attacks.

Download Our Datasheet

Download our datasheet for an in-depth overview of the benefits and features of our VMC solution. Discover how you can enhance trust, protect your brand, and ensure compliance with Verified Mark Certificates.

Final Thoughts

Do not leave your email communications vulnerable to threats. With Verified Mark Certificates, you can take control of your email security and protect your organization from malicious actors. Trust in the power of VMCs to safeguard your communications, enhance trust, and elevate your email security to new heights.

Are you ready to secure your emails with Verified Mark Certificates? 

Button: Buy Now and take the first step towards a safer, more secure email environment

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