Paperless, Cloud-based and Secure Solution for Document Signing

e-Contract Service Agree by GlobalSign


How Agree Works?

Agree being a cloud-based signing solution saves you from repetitive tasks such as posting, collecting, filing and searching of documents. With features like stamp imprint, long-term validation, and clientless interface, you can significantly reduce the time and cost spent on managing, archiving, and shipping paper files.

From "paper + seal" to "electronic data + electronic signature"

In the past, a document or contract was signed and exchanged with a paper seal to leave the contents of the agreement as evidence. Instead of this, it is the electronic contract that can prove the same evidence as a written contract, by electronically signing it with electronic certificates.

Excessive Signing Issues Faced by Enterprises

Executives in enterprises sign large number of documents that takes up too much time and effort. Instead of catering to strategic tasks and clients, they’re stuck with this repetitive task. Deploying Agree will remove workflow difficulties, streamline the document signing process, and lead to significant savings in terms of cost and time.



Unnecessary Cost Spending

Agree eliminates the need to use paper documents which lets companies reduce their expenses. Our e-sign solution is just as good as a handwritten signature.



Seamless Integration with different OS

Agree provides an effortless integration with different OS such as Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.



Streamlined Workflow

Many companies are now using a workflow signing solution for document signing and management. Using Agree allows users to manage their signing requirements even with users from other companies seamlessly.



Digitization of Documents

Agree allows clients to transition from traditional paper documents to digital documents. It gives them the ability to digitally store documents and save them on cloud making it easier to archive and retrieve too.

A Paperless Solution to Streamline your Workflow and Reduce Expenses

Digitally Sign Contracts with AATL

Sign contracts with our Document Signing Certificates and Timestamp, making documents perfect evidences of legitimacy.

Sign and Secure Sensitive Documents

Sign documents using user friendly seal/sign positioning and secure and authenticate your documents with our superior encryption technology.

Easily Navigate Contracts

Our build-in advanced searching features allows clients to group their documents in an organized filing system.

Track Signature Requests and Collections

Get timely notifications and reminders for easier monitoring of signature requests and avoid delays.

Where Can You Use Agree?

While there are several other industries and functions (such as Sales, Operations, HR, and IT Ops) within an enterprise where Agree can work, but here are our top four which we believe can quickly move to paperless operations.

Request a Demo for Agree

e-Contract Service Agree by GlobalSign is a cloud-based document signing solution that eliminates workflow complexities.

Contact us at or fill the form below and our product specialist will contact you.

  • AATL Compatible
  • N:N Services
  • Paperless Solution
  • Customizable Workflow