NAESB Compliant Digital Certificates
GlobalSign is ISO New England's preferred Certificate Authority for Digital Certificates that must meet the stringent security standards of the Energy industry. The Company has proven to be of the highest integrity with secure, reliable processes and superior customer service.
Jamshid Afnan,
Vice President of Information Services |

Leader and Contributor to the NAESB PKI Standard
As the defacto business standard body for North American energy, North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) created a PKI standard to address an ever increasing cyber threat landscape around one of our most important critical infrastructure sectors, the power grid. High stake energy applications such as energy trading, off-peak consumption, smart metering expansion, and eTagging require strong authentication and encryption provided through NAESB complaint certificates.
As a leader and key contributor to the NAESB PKI standard and a NAESB Authorized Certificate Authority (ACA), GlobalSign's digital certificates can be used for multiple use cases including secure authentication to online services, access to the NAESB Electronic Industry Registry (EIR), digitally signing email and documents, and the encryption of server communications.
GlobalSign's NAESB-compliant Digital Certificates are delivered via our Managed PKI web-based portal which allows Compliance and Security Officers to easily issue and manage certificates to authorized internal and external users. GlobalSign Managed PKI supports issuance, re-issuance, revocation, and renewal as well as a host of enterprise features such as delegated administration, robust reporting, bulk upload and optionally APIs to support high volume users.
NAESB Certificate Use Cases
ISOs & RTOs CA of Choice
Major ISOs and RTOs in North America have selected GlobalSign as their NAESB ACA of choice to provide NAESB-compliant digital certificates to their market participants, both directly and indirectly. Secure communications, authentication, and access control for member companies and trading partners follows the NAESB PKI Standard's best practices for online services. GlobalSign has a strong commitment to "hand-holding" each ISO/RTO and their market participants through the complete digital certificate lifecycle.
Digital Certificates are required to access the NAESB Electronic Industry Registry (EIR). The NAESB EIR is a central repository of information which is required for Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) commercial interactions including scheduling and transmission management operations. A Digital Certificate issued by a NAESB ACA such as GlobalSign, is required for access.
NERC E-Tagging
A North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Tag, also commonly referred to as an E-Tag, represents a transaction on the North American bulk electricity market, scheduled to flow within, between or across electric utility company territories.
According to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) guidelines any FERC regulated entity must secure their WEQ-012 governed applications with the appropriate client authentication and encrypted communications to the server. This is primarily targeted at reducing the security vulnerabilities associated with NERC E-Tagging applications.
To adhere to the FERC guidelines, all data communicated between E-Tagging applications should be considered sensitive and must therefore be encrypted. To achieve data encryption between services, all E‑Tagging applications must implement server-side SSL.
GlobalSign’s OrganizationSSL (OV) certificates are high assurance SSL certificates which provide increased credibility by including verified organization details including the legal entity name and that they are in good standing with the NAESB EIR.
OATI webOASIS is an online information system used by electrical power transmission grid owners and operators located throughout North America to buy, sell, and post services and information concerning the power grid. A Digital Certificate from a NAESB ACA, such as GlobalSign, is required to access the OATI webOASIS.
*GlobalSign is an approved NAESB certificate provider. Regulations stipulate that anyone requesting access to a Transmission Provider’s OASIS information must provide them with information that includes the user's name (or unique identifier), the name of the Entity that the user represents, the Certificate's full subject fields (issued by an Authorized Certification Authority such as GlobalSign) expressing basic or higher assurance levels in compliance with NAESB standards.
All NAESB Certificate use cases require you to sign up for and configure a Managed PKI account. Our account representatives will guide you through the configuration process.
Why Choose GlobalSign?

NAESB Compliant Digital Certificate Provider

Active member of the NAESB Cybersecurity Sub Committee

Experts in
Grid Security

CA of Choice for Multiple ISOs & RTOs

WebTrust Compliant
since 1996

Local support and dedicated account managers

Digital certificates trusted by ALL major browsers

Complete certificate lifecycle management