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SSL Certificates in New Zealand: Securing your Website for Success

SSL Certificates in New Zealand: Securing your Website for Success

New Zealand's digital landscape is booming, with businesses of all sizes embracing online opportunities. But with this growth comes the critical responsibility of securing online interactions and protecting sensitive customer information. At GlobalSign, we help empower New Zealand's digital journey by securing the businesses’ online interactions. Here we explore more about Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, their importance, and how they help safeguard your information.

GlobalSign safeguards businesses with robust SSL certificates. These digital passports verify your website's identity and encrypt communication using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology. Think unreadable codes for sensitive information! Did you know that outdated SSL versions can lead to "SSL handshake failed" errors? In this blog, you'll learn GlobalSign ensures the strongest encryption and latest protocols to build trust with your customers.

Fundamentals of SSL/TLS

What is SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / TLS (Transport Layer Security)?

Imagine a secure tunnel protecting your data as it travels online. That's the essence of SSL/TLS. It encrypts sensitive information – logins, details, transactions – during transfer between your browser and a website. This encryption scrambles the data, rendering it unreadable. These indicate a secure connection established using an SSL/TLS certificate. But how can you be sure the certificate is legitimate?

Here's a quick guide:

  • Validity: Check if the certificate is current and not expired.

  • Trusted Issuer: Verify it's issued by a reputable Certificate Authority (CA) like GlobalSign.

  • Domain Match: Confirm that the website's domain matches the information on the certificate.

The CIA Triad

Ever wondered how websites create a secure online environment? The answer lies in a powerful foundation – the CIA triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability). At GlobalSign, we're passionate about ensuring all three are addressed, and that's where SSL/TLS comes in!

Think of SSL/TLS as a sophisticated security protocol that acts like a secret handshake between your website and its visitors. Here's how it strengthens each aspect of the CIA triad:

  • Confidentiality: SSL/TLS encrypts data in transit, ensuring only authorized parties can access sensitive information like credit card details. It's like whispering a secret code – only those with the key can understand it.

  • Integrity: SSL/TLS goes a step further to safeguard your data from tampering during its journey across the web. Imagine a unique digital fingerprint being created for your data before it's sent – a kind of checksum. Throughout transmission, SSL/TLS verifies this fingerprint remains unchanged. If any alterations occur, the hash recalculates upon arrival, exposing the tampering attempt. This way, you can be confident that the information you receive is exactly what was sent, offering an extra layer of security and peace of mind.

  • Authentication: SSL/TLS uses PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) to verify the identities of both the website you're visiting (server) and, in some cases, yourself (client). Imagine it like a secure handshake – SSL/TLS checks digital certificates issued by trusted authorities, ensuring you're connecting to the legitimate website and not a cleverly disguised imposter. This authentication process underpins online trust and protects you from fraudulent interactions.

For a deeper analysis, use our SSL Checker tool.

Methods for Checking SSL Versions

Ensuring that your website is using the latest SSL/TLS version is crucial for maintaining security and protecting data transmitted over the internet. Here are some methods for checking the SSL/TLS version used by your website:

  1. Browser Tools: Most modern web browsers allow you to check the SSL/TLS version used when accessing a website. In Chrome, you can click on the tune icon in the address bar, select ‘Connection is secure’, then ‘Certificate viewer’ then ‘Details tab’.

  2. Online Tools: There are several online tools available that can scan your website and provide detailed information about its SSL/TLS configuration, including the version being used. Tools like GlobalSign's SSL Checker can help you check your SSL/TLS version.

  3. Server Configuration: Checking the SSL/TLS version supported by your web server configuration is also important. You can review your server's SSL/TLS settings in its configuration file to ensure that it is configured to use the latest SSL/TLS version. Note that TLS versions 1 and 1.1 should be disabled. Here is our support page for this for customer preference.

  4. SSL/TLS Libraries: If you are using an SSL/TLS library for your website, you can check the library version to determine the version it supports. Updating the library to the latest version will ensure that your website supports the latest SSL/TLS standards.

By regularly checking and updating your website's SSL/TLS version, you can enhance its security and protect against potential vulnerabilities.


Comparing HTTPS and HTTP: Security Differences

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are both protocols used for transferring data over the internet. The main difference between the two is that HTTPS uses SSL/TLS encryption to secure the data transmitted between the website and the user, while HTTP does not. This encryption ensures that the data remains confidential and cannot be intercepted by attackers. Without encryption, data transmitted over HTTP is vulnerable to interception, allowing attackers to access sensitive information. HTTPS, on the other hand, encrypts data, protecting it from being intercepted or tampered with. This encryption is especially important for websites that handle sensitive information, such as e-commerce sites, banking websites, and healthcare portals.

Changes in the SSL space

SSL/TLS is constantly evolving to combat emerging threats. Here are some key trends:

  • Stricter Validation: Certificate Authorities (CAs) now employ rigorous methods to verify website ownership before issuing OV and EV SSL/TLS certificates.

  • Stronger Encryption: As technology advances, so do encryption methods. CAs are issuing certificates with longer key lengths and more robust algorithms for enhanced security.

  • Shorter Validity Periods: SSL/TLS certificates can now be issued for shorter periods (sometimes as little as three months) to ensure regular updates and quicker revocation of compromised certificates.

SSL in Action: Best Practices

In New Zealand, implementing the best SSL/TLS practices is crucial for ensuring the security and privacy of online communications. Following these practices not only helps protect sensitive information but also builds trust with customers and partners. Some key practices in the Land of the Long White Cloud include:

  • Obtaining Certificates from Trusted CAs: Always obtain SSL/TLS certificates from reputable CAs like GlobalSign to ensure the authenticity of your website.

  • Use Strong Authentication: Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for accessing SSL/TLS certificates and ensure private keys are protected.

  • Keeping it Up to Date: SSL/TLS certificates have a validity period, typically 397 days (about 1 year). Ensure your certificate is renewed before it expires to avoid security vulnerabilities.

  • Enabling Strong Ciphers and Protocols: Modern browsers and servers support robust encryption algorithms. Configure your website to utilize the strongest options available while maintaining compatibility with older devices.

  • Educating Your Customers: Let your website visitors know you prioritize security! Display trust seals and highlight the use of SSL/TLS encryption to build confidence. It’s free from GlobalSign!

GlobalSign: Your Partner in SSL Security

As a leading CA, GlobalSign empowers businesses and organizations in New Zealand with a range of SSL certificate solutions:

  • Domain Validated (DV) Certificates: Ideal for personal websites and blogs, these certificates verify domain ownership.

  • Organization Validated (OV) Certificates: Offering a higher level of validation, these certificates verify both domain ownership and organizational identity, ideal for businesses seeking to enhance online credibility.

  • Extended Validation (EV) Certificates: Providing the highest level of validation, these certificates are recommended for e-commerce and other sensitive information websites. EV certificates undergo a rigorous validation process to verify legal, physical, and operational existence.

SSL in Business

At GlobalSign, we believe online security shouldn't be a privilege reserved for enterprises. That's why SSL certificates offer a robust security solution for businesses of all sizes, and even for personal use!

Building Trustworthy Transactions 

Enterprise Use Cases: SSL is the cornerstone of secure website transactions. It empowers businesses to:

  • Protect User Accounts: Safeguard sensitive login credentials and personal data.

  • Secure Customer Information: Ensure the confidentiality of financial details and transactions for a seamless e-commerce experience.

  • Enable Secure Online Services: From online banking and financial services to secure file transfers and internal client portals, SSL creates a trusted digital environment.

Personal Security Matters Too

The benefits of SSL extend far beyond the enterprise world. Here's how individuals can leverage SSL for a safer online experience:

  • Personal Websites and Online Portfolios: Showcase your work with confidence, knowing your visitors' data is protected.

  • Secure File Sharing: Share sensitive documents with peace of mind, ensuring data remains encrypted in transit.

  • Safeguarding Online Shopping: Enjoy a worry-free shopping experience with the assurance of secure transactions.

  • Protecting Social Media and Personal Accounts: Maintain control over your online presence and safeguard your personal information.


At GlobalSign, we empower organizations and individuals like you to create a secure and trusted online environment. Our industry-leading SSL certificates utilize top-tier encryption and authentication to safeguard sensitive data exchanged between your website and visitors. This not only protects against data breaches but also ensures a smooth user experience thanks to their ease of management and wide compatibility. Our legacy as a trusted Certificate Authority strengthens your brand credibility and fosters a secure online space for your visitors. Ready to unlock the power of SSL? Contact our team today! Visit our website or simply email us to explore our solutions.

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