Certificate Automation Manager

Revolutionizing PKI Certificate Management
with Seamless Automation

Want to See How We Can Save You Time?

Certificate Management for
Enterprise Efficiency

As enterprises scale their operations, the need for digital certificates to safeguard users, devices, and network endpoints grows exponentially. IT teams grapple with the management of extensive certificate requests across diverse domains and time zones, resulting in delays in validation checks and the provisioning of certificates. The imperative for enterprises is clear: embrace automation to streamline and expedite the certificate lifecycle.

GlobalSign’s Certificate Automation Manager is a customizable, flexible automated software solution that acts as a proxy between GlobalSign’s Atlas Digital Identity Platform, and your Microsoft Active Directory or Microsoft Entra ID, allowing for frictionless certificate provisioning based on your group policies.

Answering the Challenges of Certificate Management

Provision all your certificates automatically from preset policies with a solution that can be customized to meet your organizations specific needs:

  • Define your policies to avoid delays in provisioning certificates and alleviating IT pressure
  • Accurately control certificate permissions with Certificate Automation Manager that works with your Active Directory for each user and machine
  • Efficiently migrate from CAs to an automated and structured PKI solution with Certificate Automation Manager
  • Drive efficiency with the frictionless provisioning of certificates as requested with no admin intervention needed
  • Have confidence that the correct certificates are being provisioned to endpoints significantly reducing the risk of security breaches or loss of service
  • Choose a tool that works for your environment. Certificate Automation Manager supports SCEP, ACME, key archival, key roaming and automated S/MIME configuration*

*On Windows Outlook only

Learn More About Certificate Automation Manager for S/MIME

Tailored Certification Automation for Your Business

Your certificate automation workflow could look like this, but the beauty of GlobalSign's Certificate Automation Manager is that it is policy driven, and completely customizable to your enterprise to ensure that it is tailored to your environment.


Ready to discuss how to save time and improve your Certificate Management?

Certificate Automation Manager allows organizations to provision and manage certificates for all users, devices and endpoints quickly and efficiently. Talk to us today.

  • Take control of your organizations global certificate requests with one centrally managed solution
  • Significantly improve IT efficiency and free up resources through policy-based automation
  • A fully customizable solution that fits your organizations specific needs and scales as your origination grows