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The Easiest Way to Switch SSL Certificates

Switch to GlobalSign Now & Save!


Graduate to the World’s Most Trusted Certificate Authority

SSL/TLS is about trust. Trust goes beyond certificates and expiration dates, though – it starts with the Certificate Authority. An academic study performed by Indiana University found GlobalSign to be the most compliant major CA in the world. GlobalSign is a globally-accredited CA and Qualified Trust Services Provider – the world’s most trusted!.

Bonus When You Switch!

  • All GlobalSign SSL/TLS certificates receive an extra 30 days*
  • Certificate Inventory Tool — Included free
  • Centralized management of all your certificates

We Make Switching Quick and Painless

Transferring your account to GlobalSign can be done in just a few clicks and after your company profile is vetted, you can start issuing certificates immediately. With GlobalSign's Certificate Inventory Tool, we can help you search and locate all SSL Certificates on your internal and public networks, regardless of the issuing CA.

Switch to GlobalSign today and enjoy the following benefits:

Significant Volume Discounts and Flexible Contract Options

Including unlimited issuance plans, SAN licensing, pay as you go, and bulk deposits. There is no need to purchase tokens or certificate packs and we don't charge any hosting, setup or user fees.

Control How You Set Up and Manage Your Certificates

With multiple "profile" options under one account, you can easily centralize management of all your certificates. User roles and privileges can be established based on specific profiles, or even a domain within a profile, allowing you to control which staff members can apply for, approve, renew, and revoke certificates.

The Ability to Instantly Issue Certificates

Our simplified vetting and issuance process allows organizations to instantly issue certificates with the click of a button from vetted profiles. You have the option to sync certificate expirations to avoid lapses in coverage and you can run detailed reports on all activity, including spending and renewals.

Get a Little Extra with GlobalSign

Considering making the switch to GlobalSign? Good news! Every GlobalSign SSL/TLS certificate receives an extra 30 days*.


*Certificates can be a maximum of 397 days. 6-month certs are good for 7 months and 12-month certs are good for 397 days.

Footnote: The Indiana University study, published in August 2019, A Complete Study of P.K.I. (PKI’s Known Incidents), can be found here.

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