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Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company Chooses GlobalSign’s server-based PDF Signing solution to enable electronic workflows

Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company Chooses GlobalSign’s server-based PDF Signing solution to enable electronic workflows

We knew moving to an electronic workflow was our future, but the key was to find a solution that would produce legally viable documents that would also be easy for our sales agents to adopt. Using GlobalSign’s HSM PDF Signing solution... The turn-around time from policy application to issuance has been reduced significantly.

Stuart Smith, Senior Vice President Information Systems, Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company

What we like about GlobalSign is its reputation and track record as a commercial Certificate Authority (CA). We have a strong level of trust with GlobalSign.

— Mike Patterson, Manager, Information Security Operations Information Security Services, University of Waterloo

waterloo university

At a Glance


To switch from a paper-based to electronic workflow to reduce the turn-around time for policy application and delivery, and improve the quality of new business submissions, while maintaining equal legal viability and being easy to use for sales agents.


By implementing GlobalSign's server-based signing solution in conjunction with a custom iText web application, Columbian Mutual Life sales agents can produce legally viable, timestamped, digitally signed documents instantly.


Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company wanted to improve the quality of new business submissions and reduce the turn-around time from application submission to commission payment and delivery of the issued policy to the customer. To achieve these goals, they sought a digital signature solution to replace their existing paper-based workflows.

Columbian’s digital signature implementation needed to be able to produce a digitally signed and timestamped document with similar legal integrity as a signed paper application.

To encourage agents to adopt the new online application as a replacement for the paper-based process that they were comfortable with, it was imperative that the digital signature be fast, painless, and instantly recognizable as valid by any PDF reader.

Solution Requirements

  • Reduce turn-around time from policy application to issuance
  • Apply a timestamp and carry similar legal integrity as a physical signature
  • Easy and fast for agents to use


As an Adobe CDS partner and an Adobe Approved Trust List member, GlobalSign’s PDF Signing Certi cates chain to Adobe’s parent certificate and are instantly recognized by PDF reading software. GlobalSign’s solution also includes an online timestamping service for certifying the date and time of the signature, as well as an Online Certi cate Status (OCSP) validation service, enabling Columbian Mutual’s documents to be signed and validated quickly.

Since Columbian Mutual is using a server-based solution, there is no need for any tokens or additional hardware to apply signatures. The signing certificate is stored and protected on a Hardware Security Module (HSM). The sales agent reviews a policy application with the customer and upon customer approval of the content, uploads the application to a signing server with the click of a button. The signing server converts the application to PDF, timestamps, and applies the company’s digital signature. The policy is complete within minutes, significantly decreasing turn-around time compared to traditional paper methods.

“We knew moving to an electronic workflow was our future, but the key was to find a solution that would produce legally viable documents that would also be easy for our sales agents to adopt. Using GlobalSign’s HSM PDF Signing solution, we were able to create a custom web application so sales agents can produce digitally signed, timestamped documents instantly from the road. The turn-around time from policy application to issuance has been reduced significantly.” - Stuart Smith, Senior Vice President Information Systems, Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company

What’s Achieved?

  • Reduced turn-around time for policy applications and delivery due to an all electronic workflow
  • Ability to create timestamped documents of equal legal viability to a physically signed document instantaneously
  • All in a package easy to use for sales teams, allowing quick send offs to a signing server for instant documents

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